
21+ Only The themes practiced in roleplay with Ambrose can entail intense content. Whether it be for ERP purposes, or his association with the flock -- For personal comfort I will only rp with those 21+
● IC =/= OOC
● Comfort and consent is important to me when it comes to roleplaying darker themes, pre-discussing heavier scenes, and checking if things are okay to do will happen-- our characters are important to ourselves-- I intend to make sure you're okay with the content.
● Roleplaying darker themes isn't for everyone! and that's okay! Ambrose isn't 24/7 in these themes, but they are a core part of his story. Not every character is for every person and that's okay!

Do's and Don'ts

● DO - Shoot me a tell, or dm if you'd like to rp together!
● DON'T - Spam if I don't get to you immediately, I could be mid-reply in game, or taking care of something irl. I will get to you asap <3
● DO - Discuss planning, and expectations with me -- the less blurred lines-- the less confusion! (This doesn't mean no surprises! Simply asking for rough guidelines)
● DON'T - Attempt Major character death, Major injury, or Darker themes without discussing first. I wouldn't do this to you, so please don't do it to me.
● DO - Tell me more about your character! I roleplay for fun, but at the end of the day I'd also like to make more friends through it! and that means I want to learn and care about your character too!
● DON'T - Give critique to my character, unless constructive! I'm always willing to learn and improve, but at the end of the day this is my character and I will play him how I like.

NAME: Ambrose GladebornNICKNAME/ALIAS: Gilded Dragon, Mockingbird
AGE: 65
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single, though never seeking anything serious.
AETHER: A strange golden and silver mishmash -- the gold hues seeming to resemble one of a drake. Tastes rich, with an ashy aftertaste.
OCCUPATION: Retired Lancer

Ambrose Gladeborn - Gilded Dragon

Ambrose Gladeborn, born of the shroud, and now a retired lancer, seeks to enjoy the fruits of life. Call it a midlife crisis, or perhaps mysteriously newfound youth. The man would be happy to share a drink, and regale you with stories from his day as a heroic lancer. Perhaps he might even offer to take you home after - be it you don't fall asleep listening to him go on about himself. Though some may not think him the sharpest tool in the shed, what he lacks, he makes up for with brawn, and charm. He's got charm coming out of his ass, he might say, even. When he's not out for pleasure, it's business, working to provide a better life for others, with the guidance of Doctor Caelus Oleander. The man will often praise the doctor, and would be happy to see those in need brought to his aid. If a man like Ambrose is loyal to Oleander, why shouldn't you be?

HOOK: Retired Lancer; Being a retired lancer means that over the years Ambrose has made plenty of friend (and foe) on his adventures around the shroud. Perhaps you worked alongside him, or under him! Perhaps he saved your life one day....or ruined it.
HOOK: Mockingbird; Though Ambrose may not get into the specifics of how his dear Dr. Oleander does his work, he will do nothing but gush about it. He believes that he shouldn't be the only one to receive such gifts, because he's such a charitable soul. He loves to help the sick, poor, and needy, see a better life-- all you have to do is go through his onboarding process.
HOOK: Drunken Past; There are some nights where Ambrose can find himself at the bottom of too many mugs of mead. Those nights are often a blur to him, and he'll pay no mind or worry to it the following day. Perhaps you ran into him on one of his drunken excursions, and recognize him-- for what reasons? Good or bad? Who can say!


● Mead
● One-night stands, and nothing more
● A good cigar
● Himself
● Everything and Anything Gold
● Doctor Oleander


● Being Insulted
● Synths
● Aging
● The Cold
● Technology
● Being Quiet

Doctor Caelus Oleander; Devout, and Revered SaviorAmasar Agnar; Bastard Son, DeceasedAzriel Unit-A, Asmodeus Unit-B, and Abaddon Unit-C; Creations of the Doctor, held with distasteValerian Wolfsbane; Not so secret Admirier, who could blame them?

Hi there!Thank you for taking the time to go through Ambrose's card. Though he is not my main character, I have been working more on him lately. My name is Zee, I'm 23, Nonbinary, and have been gaming since I was able to use a keyboard! Though ffxiv is my main focus, I also enjoy other games such as; Kingdom Hearts, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and a plethora of others. I'm always looking to make new friends, and roleplay partners! Feel free to shoot me a dm on discord - @ if you're interested in roleplaying, or just playing the game together! You can also find me on twitter @ JackWhimz.Have a great day, lovely!